abram Wilson

Abram Wilson was a renowned jazz trumpet player hailing from New Orleans, USA. He was passionate about bringing young talent through, as much as writing and playing. He was also a client who became a good friend of ours. We worked closely with him to design his last three album covers before his untimely passing.

Jennie Cashman Wilson, Abram’s wife and manager, founded a charity in his memory to honour his passion for helping educate, mentor, and provide young musicians with experience.

We were asked to help develop a visual language that accurately reflects the organisation’s values and mission. We created an identity that uses an art deco typeface as a nod to Abram’s roots, with a circular device representing the holistic approach of the organisation. We used a bright and energetic colour palette to reflect the youthful energy and drive at the core of AW. Each of the two secondary colours represents the two main programme strands.